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Exists (2014)
Quality: BluRay Country: United States Cast: Brian Steele,, Chris Osborn, Denise Williamson, Dora Madison, George P. Gakoumis Jr., Jeff Schwan, Roger Edwards, Samuel Davis, Stefanie Sanchez Director: Eduardo Sánchez IMDB: 5.5 /10 dari 328 users Published: 2014-03-17 By: Vimovies Uploaded: May 13, 2021, 03:14 am Duration: 1 jam 21 menit Visitors: 30 Views
Sekelompok teman berpetualang ke hutan terpencil di Texas untuk berpesta di akhir pekan dan mendapati diri mereka dibuntuti oleh Bigfoot.
Keywords : #bigfoot#creature#found footage
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