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Down with Love (2003)
Quality: BluRay Country: Germany, Switzerland Cast: David Hyde Pierce, Ewan McGregor, Jack Plotnick, John Aylward, Matt Ross,, Michael Ensign, Rachel Dratch, Renée Zellweger, Sarah Paulson, Tony Randall Director: Peyton Reed IMDB: 6.1 /10 dari 707 users Published: 2003-05-08 By: Vimovies Uploaded: December 9, 2022, 06:20 am Duration: 1 jam 41 menit Visitors: 22 Views
Di kota New York tahun 1962, cinta bersemi antara seorang jurnalis playboy dan seorang penulis nasihat feminis.
Keywords : #absurdist#author#battle of the sexes#deception#empowerment#fake identity,#feminist#journalist#new york city#playboy#screwball comedy#sex comedy,#womanizer
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