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Uncle Peckerhead (2020)
Quality: WEBRip Country: United States Cast: Chet Siegel, Chloe Roe, David Bluvband, David Littleton, Greg Maness, Jeff Riddle, Lucy McMichael, Ruby McCollister, Ryan Conrath, Shannon O'Neill Director: Matthew John Lawrence IMDB: 5.9 /10 dari 78 users Published: 2020-08-11 By: Vimovies Uploaded: January 4, 2021, 00:19 am Duration: 1 jam 37 menit Visitors: 22 Views
Ketika sebuah band punk menggelar tur perdana mereka, kehidupan di jalan terbukti sulit ketika mereka ditemani oleh iblis pemakan manusia sebagai roadie.
Keywords : #cannibal#horror comedy#man eating monster#punk rock#road trip
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