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The Midnight Sky (2020)
Quality: WEBRip Country: United States Cast: Caoilinn Springall, David Oyelowo, Demián Bichir,, Ethan Peck,, Felicity Jones, George Clooney, Kyle Chandler,, Sophie Rundle,, Tiffany Boone,, Tim Russ Director: George Clooney IMDB: 5.7 /10 dari 1818 users Published: 2020-12-10 By: Vimovies Uploaded: December 26, 2020, 06:58 am Duration: 1 jam 58 menit Visitors: 19 Views
Seorang ilmuwan tunggal di daerah kutub berlomba untuk menghubungi kru astronot yang kembali ke rumah menghadapi bencana global yang misterius.
Keywords : #2040s#arctic polar circle region#astronaut#based on novel or book#cancer#end of the world#nuclear radiation#post-apocalyptic future#space adventure#space exploration#space travel#space walk
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