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Nonton The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016) Subtitle Indonesia
BluRay • Horror • 2016 • 86.min
Trailer The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016)
Quality: BluRay Country: United Kingdom, United States Cast: Brian Cox, Emile Hirsch, Jane Perry, Mark Phoenix, Mary Duddy, Michael McElhatton, Olwen Catherine Kelly, Ophelia Lovibond,, Parker Sawyers Director: Laurie Mahon IMDB: 6.8 /10 dari 4245 users Published: 2016-12-21 By: Vimovies Uploaded: May 2, 2021, 00:01 am Duration: 1 jam 26 menit Visitors: 24 Views
Ayah dan anak petugas forensik menerima mayat misterius tak dikenal tanpa penyebab kematian yang jelas. Saat mereka mencoba memeriksa “Jane Doe,” mereka menemukan petunjuk aneh yang menyimpan kunci rahasia mengerikannya.
Keywords : #autopsy#autopsy room#ax#bell#cause of death#coroner,#corpse#crematorium#elevator#morgue,#murder#parent child relationship#pathologist#supernatural#thunderstorm
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