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Rebel in the Rye (2017)
Quality: BluRay Country: United States Cast: Bernard White, Brian d'Arcy James, Eric Bogosian, Hope Davis,, Jefferson Mays, Kevin Spacey, Lucy Boynton, Nicholas Hoult, Victor Garber, Zoey Deutch Director: Jessica Pollini IMDB: 6.6 /10 dari 244 users Published: 2017-09-15 By: Vimovies Uploaded: February 1, 2021, 09:23 am Duration: 1 jam 46 menit Visitors: 17 Views
Kehidupan penulis terkenal tetapi penyendiri j.d. salinger, yang memperoleh ketenaran di seluruh dunia dengan penerbitan novelnya the catcher in the rye.
Keywords : #author#based on novel or book#essay writer#falling in love#flashback#jd salinger#jew#marriage#new york city#recluse#world war ii#writer
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