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Nonton Interview with the Vampire (1994) Subtitle Indonesia
BluRay • Drama • 1994 • 123.min
Trailer Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Quality: BluRay Country: United States Cast: Antonio Banderas, Brad Pitt, Christian Slater, Domiziana Giordano, John McConnell, Kirsten Dunst, Laure Marsac, Stephen Rea, Thandiwe Newton,, Tom Cruise Director: Neil Jordan, IMDB: 7.4 /10 dari 5830 users Published: 1994-11-11 By: Vimovies Uploaded: October 6, 2021, 04:52 am Duration: 2 jam 3 menit Visitors: 27 Views
Seorang vampir menceritakan kisah hidupnya yang epik tentang cinta, pengkhianatan, kesepian, dan kelaparan yang kelam kepada seorang reporter yang sangat ingin tahu.
Keywords : #18th century#19th century#based on novel or book#bite#california#child vampire#france#gothic horror,#lgbt interest#louisiana#new orleans#paris#pity#plague#plantation#reluctant vampire#san francisco#vampire
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