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Nonton Dances with Wolves (1990) Subtitle Indonesia
BluRay • Adventure • 1990 • 181.min
Trailer Dances with Wolves (1990)
Quality: BluRay Country: United Kingdom, United States Cast: Charles Rocket, Floyd "Red Crow" Westerman, Graham Greene, Jimmy Herman, Kevin Costner, Mary McDonnell,, Maury Chaykin, Robert Pastorelli, Rodney A. Grant, Tantoo Cardinal Director: Kevin Costner IMDB: 7.9 /10 dari 4214 users Published: 1990-03-30 By: Vimovies Uploaded: October 14, 2021, 06:01 am Duration: 3 jam 1 menit Visitors: 21 Views
Prajurit perang saudara yang terluka John Dunbar mencoba bunuh diri—dan malah menjadi pahlawan. Sebagai hadiah, ia ditugaskan ke pos impiannya, persimpangan terpencil di perbatasan barat, dan segera menjalin persahabatan yang tak terduga dengan suku Sioux setempat.
Keywords : #19th century#based on novel or book#bison#buffalo#countryside#culture clash#dakota#desertion#early america,#freedom,#friendship#kansas#lakota#language barrier#mutiny#native american#pawnee tribe#self-discovery#sioux#snow#tennessee#unsociability#usa#wolf
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