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Breakout (1975)
Quality: BluRay Country: United States Cast: Alan Vint, Charles Bronson, Emilio Fernández, Jill Ireland, John Huston, Jorge Moreno, Paul Mantee, Randy Quaid, Robert Duvall, Sheree North Director: Tom Gries IMDB: 6.3 /10 dari 99 users Published: 1975-05-21 By: Vimovies Uploaded: September 17, 2019, 11:51 am Duration: 1 jam 36 menit Visitors: 17 Views
Seorang pilot semak disewa seharga $50.000 untuk pergi ke Meksiko guna membebaskan tahanan tak bersalah.
Keywords : #corrupt official#escape#escape attempt#false accusations#helicopter#man in drag#mexico#pilot#prison#rescue operation#trying to escape#wrongful imprisonment
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